8 things i realized/rediscovered about myself while packing:
- i always thought that i started writing when i was 16 but then i discovered this red and purple notebook hidden between junks of mine that told me otherwise; it seems that i started writing when i was seven; it was a crappy love story centered between two sisters and a guy and amazingly it was written in bm.
- i have various ambitions; when i was 7 i wanted to be a nurse then i wanted to be a police or a teacher. then i envisage myself as a lawyer and up until f3, i had wanted to be either a lawyer or a photographer.
- i used to write diaries like nobody's business up until i was fourteen and gosh rereading what you wrote daily when you're a mere child/infatuated teen is so damn embarrassing. also my english were horrible; the spelling, the grammar etc. it also reminds me who i used to be before things happened.
- i have more clothes than one could ask for and yet i don't have anything to wear.
- i used to be a BIG fan of taiwanese drama; as in those sappy love stories which more or less have the same story line but different casts. and i actually collects newspaper cuttings, badges, stickers and posters of my favorite drama.i don't know when i stopped watching them but the only taiwanese drama I watched nowadays are the long winded hokkien drama which have different story line but same casts (the irony!).
- ten years of my life could be packed up in only five boxes and three of 'em are filled with books.
- i'm definitely a girly girl when i was young. i used to love pink and barbie doll. i have about eleven to twelve barbie dolls and tons of barbie doll merchandises. i remember that up until i was eleven, whenever i scored academically i would ask for a new barbie doll. i even attended barbie's birthday in 1u once. unfortunately i gave them all away for this move. i had wanted to keep one but i just couldn't pick one and i feel unfair for the rest that i have to give away so in the end i gave up all of them.
- amazingly after spending ten years of my life living there i don't miss the house but the people whom i would be leaving behind.
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