Wednesday, April 10, 2013


On many, long arduous, days in a year,
we are planets orbiting on our own solitary axis,
parallel lines that never intersect.

Shadows that linger in your peripheral
but never in sight.

So afraid I am
that we will burn out
like the stars that once shimmer so bright.

Or be sucked
into this black-hole of a life,
drifting aimlessly in this space of time.

Forever lost to one another,
becoming those who used to be.

That it gnaws at me,
eating me away,
til I have forgotten

how the moon is always there,
even if our mere eyes are fooled
by the blinding light of the sun.

How each time we meet,
sparks still fly,
and conversations freely flow.

Because meet we might not always,
but aligned we always will.

Love you guys,xox.


Anonymous said...

Looking for JUNIOR writer in Malaysia.

- students are welcome
- require basic english writing (based on the topic given by us)
- liaise online (for job request, payment etc)

Please show us your writing sample. (at)

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